Frequently Asked Questions

Kan ik de kroketten, bitterballen en bamischijven in de oven met grill bereiden?

Jazeker, je kunt onze snacks bereiden in een oven met grill. Omdat er diverse merken en types op de markt zijn, adviseren wij voor de baktijden en de bakinstructies  de gebruikershandleiding van de oven met grill te raadplegen. Zie ook Bereidingsadviezen.

  Minuten  ºC
Bitterbal 18 190
Frikandel 13 250
Kroket 20 190
Bamischijf 23 190
Kipnuggets 9 250
Schnitzel 9 250

De genoemde tijden zijn gemiddelden. Daarom adviseren wij de exacte bereidingstijd even uit te proberen.
Het product regelmatig keren.


Yes, our fried snacks are gluten-free! All VA Foods products are free of gluten, but also free of allergens such as wheat, lactose, milk, peanuts and egg. You can read here which allergens VA Foods excludes.


Wat zijn de baktijden voor de friteuse?

De frituur snacks komen het beste tot zijn recht door deze te frituren.
Friteuse op 170 ºC. Zie ook Bereidingsadviezen 

Product Aantal minuten
Bamischijf 7
Cheeszero Croquette 7
Cheeszero Soufflé 4
Fricado 5
Frikandel 4
Groente/Rundvlees kroket 7
Groente/Rundvlees bitterballen 4
Kipnuggets  4
Kip schnitzel 4
Maxicado 5
Frituur de snacks in plantaardige frituurolie op 170°C. Om kruisbesmetting te vermijden, raden wij aan geen allergeen bevattende producten in de plantaardige frituurolie te bakken. Voor de beste kwaliteit adviseren we de snacks rechtstreeks uit de diepvries te bakken en niet te laten ontdooien.
De genoemde maximum bereidingstijd en baktemperatuur niet overschrijden.
Maximaal één mandje tegelijk bakken en enkel indien ze los van elkaar gebakken kunnen worden op de bodem.
Na frituren minimaal 2 minuten wachten met consumeren.
De genoemde tijden zijn een gemiddelde en daarom adviseren wij de exacte bereidingstijd even uit te proberen.

Voor de beste kwaliteit adviseren wij altijd het bereidingsadvies op de verpakking te volgen.

Yes, you can prepare our snacks in the AirFryer. Because there are several brands and types of AirFryers on the market*, we recommend to check baking times and baking instructions on your manual of your AirFryer.

To avoid cross-contamination, we recommend only to bake no-allergen-containing products in the AirFryer. Watch the instruction video for more information how to warm the snacks.

  minutes ºC
Bitterbal 9 200
Frikandels 6 200
Croquet 11 200
Bami disks 17 200


* We have merely tested AirFryer type Phillips D9240. Other brands can operate in such a way that the preparation of our products fails and baking times may vary **. If so we would like to hear from you.

** These times are averages. Therefore, we advise you to try out the exact cooking time on your type of AirFryer.

For best quality, we always recommend to follow the preparation advice on the packaging.

Yes, we find it important that you can eat together. This includes Halal. Our chicken nuggets are therefore Halal certified.

It is crucial to know which foods is out of the question. When in doubt, select safe products from VA Foods, because they are precisely designed for a wide range of diets (including these allergies: gluten, lactose, egg, soy, nuts and lupine). Hygiene, both personal and in the kitchen, is a must in the preparation of the products.

Yes, they are there for a reason. A good preparation in accordance with the recommendations, guarantees the quality and gets you a better product

Our gluten-free Frikandelbroodje and apple turnover are in oven-safe packaging. This means that the products can be prepared with the foil around it in the Airfryer, oven and TurboChef. This makes it possible to prepare the products, for example, between products containing gluten.

NB! Make sure that the foil is not directly against the heat source.

VA Foods does not process the following allergens. In addition, they are well below the standard recognized by VITAL 2. As a result, the products are:

  • gluten
  • wheat
  • lactose
  • milk
  • nuts
  • peanut
  • lupine
  • egg
  • crustaceans and molluscs
  • soya
  • celery
  • coriander
  • glutamate
  • legume

No, our products are meant for everyone. We achieve this by banning allergens in our commodities. So no separate meals for people with an allergy or intolerance, but eating all together from the same product.

Yes, the products of VA Foods are definitely fit for a healthy lifestyle. Our products contain less salt and have no flavour enhancers (MSG, glutamate) or dyes. Only products from nature are used.

Buckwheat is rich of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and various minerals such as magnesium. (Source: Nutrition Centre)

Health Booster:

While rice and corn – two gluten-free alternatives – have a relatively high glycemic index, buckwheat has a much smaller impact on blood sugar. While eating buckwheat, your blood sugar does not rise sky high and does not give you that sluggish feeling. Buckwheat is very rich in fibers, which makes you more satisfied and will cause less likely for you to grab a snack. Buckwheat has also a beneficial effect on our arteries. The pseudo grain is rich of rutin, a substance which strengthens the capillaries and helps against inflammations and infections. Studies show that regular consumption of buckwheat has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. And there’s more. In addition to iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper, buckwheat contains also a lot of magnesium: a mineral that reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and is known for its sedative effect. The high presence of proteins in buckwheat also makes it a very interesting food for vegetarians. In conclusion, these grains have many advantages. Thus, reason enough for using those in our products. (Source: Good Feeling)

Click here for more information on buckwheat.

The Vital 2 are standard which indicates the limits for safe use. For each ingredient it has been established what the maximum amount is for safe consummation. Independent research has shown that all products of VA Foods fit well within the prescribed limits and are not even measurable by the laboratory or they are under the limit. VA Foods processes exclude any of the following products. The official limit values are as follows:

  • Gluten <20 ppm.
  • Milk
  • B-Lactogloline <5 ppm.
  • Casein <0.5 ppm.
  • Ei <1 ppm.
  • Soy <31 ppm.
  • Fish <3 ppm.
  • Peanut <6 ppm.
  • Notes <3 ppm.
  • Sesame <6 ppm.
  • Shellfish <310 ppm.
  • Lupin <125 ppm.
  • Mustard <2 ppm.
  • Lactose <200 ppm.

NB.: All the above values indicate the maximum amount per kg (ppm = parts per million).

A gluten intolerance is an intolerance to gluten. People who cannot tolerate gluten have an intolerance to everything that contains gluten. Gluten is proteins and is found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. The name for gluten intolerance is Celiac disease.

Milk products contains lactose. It is a sugar, and is therefore also called milk sugar. Lactose can also be found in products that are made of milk: yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding, mousse, whipped cream, crème fraiche and so on. Lactose is also often seen in meats, biscuits, chips, etc.

The average American eats daily 9-10 grams of salt, while you really should not eat more than 6 grams a day (Source: Nutrition Centre). Salt is used in many products and is therefore difficult to avoid. But eating les salt is important. With products containing less salt you will get a healthier life.

VA Foods is working on sustainability and corporates socially responsible. Thus VA Foods makes products that almost everyone can and should eat, because eating is a social affair. In addition, we made every effort to avoid food waste. Food in our company is never thrown away. It may be that there is too much or even extra food was produced. If there was too much food made, we always distributed it to food banks. In terms of transportation, environmental pollution and CO2 emissions are reduced by combining transport as much as possible in the area. This way, emission is limited. Also in terms of finances, we collaborate with a sustainable bank: “Triodos. They disclaim to be number one of the world in most sustainable banks. VA Foods will of course continue to corporate social responsibility.

Lovage is also known as Maggi Plant. With Lovage you can reduce the salt value in your food and brings flavours out. Lovage is also good for digestion. (Source: Wikipedia and environmental health)

In many croquets, in order to counteract loss of color of the meat, sodium nitrite (E250), also known as Colorozo salt, was added. Colorozo salt van even enhance the color of the meat. That is why your visual experience is different, while the same percentage of meat is handled.

VA Foods processes beef croquets and meatballs with 20% fresh meat. This equates to 12.5% cooked meat. By preparing the meat our self, VA Foods van exclude salt and dyes. This way you will not be eating unnecessary nutrients.

Vegan (vegan) is a lifestyle where people seeks to avoid eating animal products. This includes meat, gelatine, fur and vitamin D3. The origin of Vitamin D3 is often animal. These and other ingredients of animal origin are therefore avoided. VA Foods has an extensive vegan range with delicious vegan products.

All products of VA foods without meat are mostly vegan. The vegan products are recognizable by the logo on the packaging.

Curious where you can buy our products or which catering establishments have our gluten-free and vegan products in their range? You can find the points of sale here!

In addition to sales in the Netherlands and Belgium, the products are also available in Germany, Luxembourg, France, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark. The products are available in the following webshops:


Je Mag het Hebben

Real Dutchfood


VA Foods works with a strict protocol which every company should honour. This starts with raw material suppliers: the products of VA Foods are checked for allergens. It is guaranteed that the products do not contain allergens. Our products have been extensively tested by an accredited laboratory. All our products score far below the limits set by the VITAL – 2 standard. The scores are not even measurable by the laboratory or is under the limit. Of course, we continue to monitor our products, because only then we can guarantee safety and quality. Learn more about our security procedures? Than please contact us.

The only correct way to pronounce the name VA Foods is by naming the letters V & A separately.

We are happy to answer questions about our products, so please us. VA Foods is the easiest to reach by contact form. Of course VA Foods also be reached by phone at 0031 (0) 85 7607100. In addition, you also can contact us by sending a letter.

Our address is:

VA Foods
P.O. Box 59270
1040 KG Amsterdam, Netherlands

VA Foods
P.O. Box 11
2000 Antwerpen
, Belgium

VA Foods strives to answer every question within 14 weekdays.

If you use a letter, it will take us several more days to response.